We are learning to: follow instructions from a dance teacher to learn a dance routine. We can do this when: we keep to the beat we are in sync with the dance moves being taught dance with another partner
This term your child is learning different skills in gymnastics.
Learning different shapes:
- straddle
- pike
- stretch
- tuck
Learning some rolls:
- pencil roll
- dish roll
- hedgehog roll
- circle roll
- elephant roll
Achievement Objectives
Students will:
Participate in creative and regular physical activities and identify enjoyable experiences.
Experience creative, regular, and enjoyable physical activities and describe the benefits to well-being.
Describe and use safe practices in a range of contexts and identify people who can help.
Develop a wide range of movement skills, using a variety of equipment and play environments.
Learning Outcomes
We are learning to:
Create and perform sequences of unlike actions on the floor.
Identify how to use equipment and perform skills safely.
Identify how gymnastics is helpful to everyone.
Great to see you using your body to do the pencil and hedgehog roll. I can see you are keeping your body nice and straight and tucking your knees and head together.
I love how you started with a shape (stretch) before you did your roll.
WALT: describe EMPATHY, one of our dispositions and use it towards others.
I can do this when I show empathy towards my peers.
This week the year 2's explore what EMPATHY is. We then made cards for one another by interviewing each other. The students put a lot of effort into their cards and showed a great amount of empathy towards each other.
WALT use our number knowledge to play a maths game. SUCCESS CRITERIA We can follow the instructions to the maths games. STUDENT VOICE " I know about numbers and that helps me play this maths game.
Well done Gemma on receiving your Bronze CARE certificate. It is great to see such a fantastic role model showing COMMUNITY, ACTIVE THINKING, RESPECT AND EXCELLENCE in the year 2 hub!
WALT think about sounds in words as we write. SUCCESS CRITERIA We will think about the middle sounds in words that we are writing. STUDENT VOICE " I can work out how to spell words by thinking about the sounds in the middle of the words that I need".
I catch the ball with two hands without dropping it.
I pass the ball to someone else using a chest pass or under arm throw.
Great work on passing the ball, I observed you passing the ball with such care and catching the ball by keeping your eyes on the ball and tracking it with your hands.
WALT count to 100 in ones, twos, fives, twos, tens.
SUCESS CRITERIA I can count in ones, twos. fives, tens to 100.
STUDENT VOICE " I can count like 1,2,3,....100 and 2,4,6....100 and 5,10,15,20..... 100 and 10,20,30,40..... 100.
Well done Gemma on participating in the group musical experience. You are doing a great job at showing community and listening to the teacher. A great job at using soft and loud sounds with your instrument.